and so on and so forth.soaking the food in garlic is a good way to entice the lion to eat food. When he starts to notice u as the feeder sstart to feed him frozen food once a week. Establish a feeding schedule and make sure he knows who the food is coming from. TRAINING TO EAT FROZEN FOODS- when u first get yur lion have a good supply of ghost shrimp. If there are any symptoms or swelling persists recieve medical attention. If stung soak the sting in very hot water. These fish are slow-moving and peaceful, but can be dangerous. Introducing the characteristics, distribution, ecology and photos of Zebra turkeyfish(Dendrochirus zebra).Beautiful fan-shaped pectoral fins.18cmPacific to. This member of the scorpion fish family has thirteen venomous spines along its back, used to defend itself. THESE FISH ARE POISONOUS so u do not want to get stung. The Zebra turkeyfish or Zebra lionfish, Dendrochirus zebra, is a carnivorous ray-finned fish with venomous spines that lives in the Indian and western Pacific oceans. needs good filtration as it is a very messy eater. Also will not like the high light that is needed on a reef tank.ĬARE IN CAPTIVITY- These are pretty easy fish to keep but can be a nuisance to train to frozen food. REEF AQURIUM BEHAVIOR- will not nibble on corals but will eat clean up crews. feed every other day until the stomach bulges slightly or everyday until the belly looks full.

SUGGESTED DIET- Silversides supplemented with squid, live ghost shrimp, cocktail shrimp, and other fresh sea foods. Like to perch and swim through the rocks.ĭISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS- large pectoral and dorsal fins.

Also get along with other dwarves and all pterois species. It wont go around attaacking other fishes but it will eat anything that can fit in its mouth as it will see it as food.

SOCIAL- This fish is commonly classified as Agressive but this isnt true in the traditional sense. OTHERS- too many too name but may include dwarf turkey fish, Dwarf lion, Dwarf zebraīREEDING- will spawn readily but cannot be raised past 9 days as the fry areĪlmost microscopic.